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#FiveUnder5000: Playing Dress Up

Sustainable fashion does not come cheap, and while we try not to be consumerist, there are so many beautiful clothes out there on the Interweb tempting us.

3000 Stitches: An Easy Breezy (Slightly) Preachy True Tale of Triumph

Three Thousand Stitches is a string of eleven short autobiographical stories penned by the chairperson of Infosys, Sudha Murthy. It depicts challenges she (and one imagines many other women) faced from conservative,

Memoirs of My Body Deals With Difficult Women’s Issues While Retaining Joyfulness

Sharp, hilarious, and relatable are three words that best describe Shreya Sen-Handley’s book Memoirs of My Body. It opens with a seven-year-old Sen noticing her streaked underpants upon waking up after wet dreams about a boy who’s “literally from the wrong side of the tracks.” The young girl wonders what the discharge means?

Queer in The City: The Honey Singh Enthusiast

Queer in the City revolves around the experiences of Naina with love, sex, community and bigotry after returning to the city in which she grew up.

The Raj At War Focuses on Individual Stories with Details That Will Whisk You Back To That Tumultuous Time

My grand aunt’s husband fought with the Indian National Army (INA).In an era before instant communication or even the black phone most of grew up with,

The Skinny Jean Is Dead! Long Live My Nether Regions

“They fit,” I cry with no small amount of triumph from inside a changing room of a popular high-street store.

An Exhibition of Never Before Seen Art of Jangarh Singh Shyam Celebrates the Life of a Genius Too Often Remembered for his Death

Nestled in the centre of Lutyen’s Delhi, Bikaner House is a pale building with a rich history. Art, historical, one-of-a-kind,

The Ladies Review: Amazon Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2018

Empty rows and shattered disco balls. That describes Amazon India Fashion Spring/Summer 2018 runway shows. Between demonetisation, GST, and all the other money-sucking measures from which the Indian economy is reeling,

#InTheirWords: Unfair and Lovely

Have you ever been called black like coal/a crow/something burnt? I have. It is pretty standard for most kids who are dark-skinned and part of the Indian diaspora.

#NotYourUsualPinUp: Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania

It hit me. Right in the middle of the Black Mirror episode that was GST, de-monetisation, and Trump. Love was the only way out.