I was a one-pot meal person. Things changed, though, after marriage and parenthood. Food became a lot of things besides a means of sustenance. It became a means of bonding, a reason for earning gratitude, an outlet for creative experimentation. And many a time it even led to exasperation and boredom.
The Joy Of Sharing Food
I obsessively scroll through old videos and photos on my phone. Instagram’s stories archive feature is a torture device that repeatedly drives home how far from average the past seven months have been.
Bhuli Art: Determined To Bring Folk Art Back To Former Glory
India in 2017 is rapidly modernising, and a tragic by-product is that traditional cultures, arts and crafts are dying out.
#TLCTravels: Hidden Goa
If Goa was a person, by 2017 it’s wearing MC Hammer pants, neon sunglasses, and shouting out, “It’s GOAH! Time.” It wasn’t always like that.