Queer in the City revolves around the experiences of Naina with love, sex, community and bigotry after returning to the city in which she grew up.
When Disney Met Tinder
The dating scene is savage these days. So much so that even Disney characters have taken to Tinder to find true love (or an honest-to-god decent f*ck!) We hunted down their profiles for your swiping pleasure.
Think of a Girl, Part 2 of a Graphic Novel Highlighting The Post Traumatic Experience Of Sexual Assault
Last week, we bought you part one of Joseph and Shivani’s graphic novel, which brings to life the post-traumatic stress experienced by a survivor of sexual assault.
Queer in the City: The Big Date!
Queer in the City revolves around the experiences of Naina with love, sex, community and bigotry after returning to the city in which she grew up.
Laced With Silver, a photo essay
What is beautiful fashion but three-dimensional poetry? TLC collaborated with the fabulous team at Nor Black Nor White and KichuJewellery by way of Nimai to present you with our take on five poems whose theme is Silver.
Think of a Girl: A Graphic Novel Highlights the Post Traumatic Experience of Sexual Assault
Friends Joseph Rajini and Shivani Gupta teamed up to bring to life a sensitive and beautiful graphic novel on the post-traumatic stress experienced by a survivor of sexual assault.