Online Trolling: a Little Sad, a Little Sick By Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan Posted on September 22, 2017December 3, 2017 In Features, Humour, Intheirwords 0 INTHEIRWORDS, MEENAKSHI REDDY MADHAVAN 0 What can I say about trolls that has not been said before? There are zillions—that’s a real number—of forehead-slapping think pieces, Continue reading...
Double Burlesque By Revati Laul Posted on September 7, 2017December 3, 2017 In Features, Humour, Intheirwords 0 BODY POSITIVITY, SEX 1 I was watching a burlesque video of a Chicago style jazz performance and realized suddenly, how strange I am. I had no trouble at all picturing myself as the star of the show, Continue reading...
Dear Marks and Spencer, I’m Fat and Fun. Gimme Bras like me. By Revati Laul Posted on August 31, 2017September 29, 2018 In Fashion, Features, Humour, Intheirwords 0 BODY POSITIVITY, Fashion 1 Dear Marks And Spencer, Have you – the whole lot of you that makes and sells and distributes lovely lingerie across the world – ever slept with a fat woman? Continue reading...