Fredrick Backman’s latest novel Anxious People’s story unfolds within an apartment, where our failed thief takes hostage a real-estate agent and his clients. Lamenting his failure, the robber explains to his hostages, “I’m having quite a complicated day here!” And, so are they.
Weaving Her Ancestors’ Voices: Sheila Chandra’s Legacy
Rarely has western music seen such a star since, who brought her heritage and culture to the forefront the way Sheila Chandra did. Her voice painted a picture and recreated her own journey through Indian culture for her listeners. Never one to cater to the masses, Chandra, now 55, has built a strong foundation for diaspora attempting to find their own voices in western culture.
Alankrita Shrivastav Reimagines Feminist Films In Dolly, Kitty, Aur Chamakte Sitare:
Dolly Kitty Aur Chamakte Taare received tepid reviews in the mainstream media. However, for a wayward viewer like me, the film was reminiscent of the eloquent lives of women I know. People whose stories are not speckled with grandeur, but are of inadvertence. Women who are making space for themselves inch by inch. Like my mother, my aunt, a schoolfriend from my hometown. Lives into which I only have a voyeuristic lens. Stories not of grand struggles, or taking feminist stands, but of omniscient living, any act of desire is transgression.
Natasha Sachdeva: Painting Over the ‘Ideal’ Body Type
Natasha Sachdeva, a 27-years-old Delhi-based artist, is asking the question: do women own their entire bodies? Or, dogged by paradigms of ideal beauty, are women compartmentalising bits and pieces, and treating what doesn’t fit a mould as other? Are we conditioned to box them off in bits and pieces labelled ‘to-be fixed’?
Kipo and the Wonderbeasts: Not Just For Kids
In Kipo and the Wonderbeasts, a teenage girl is lost in the big, evil world is a common trope for television, especially animation. This Netflix animation television series is different. Usually, such stories don’t catch my attention. I’m not thirteen-years-old, and exposure to the “real” world has desensitised me to the naïve, often cliched wonder depicted in such cartoons.